Joseph- Yosef visits his sick father
Yaakov- Jacob with his 2 sons – Menashe and Ephraim. Yaakov wanted to bless Yosef's sons. Suddenly
the divine spirit – ruach ha'kodesh that was resting upon him departed from him
because he saw a spiritual defect and blemish present in Menashe and Ephraim. He
saw in a prophetic vision that wicked people would descend from them- Yeravam
and Achav from Ephraim and Yehu ben Nimshi from Menashe. So Yaakov asks Joseph –
Who are these '? Yosef replies בני הם אשר נתן לי אלוקים בזה,
- that they are my sons which God gave to me
-' ba'zeh ' as they are with all
their spiritual defects from a holy union here in Egypt. Yosef's answer helped
the divine spirit – ruach ha'kodesh to return to Yaakov who then proceeded to
first bless Yosef – Joseph - that God should bless his son's and that because
of their actions and who they were, people would associate their names with
their righteous ancestors, myself Yaakov and Abraham and Isaac. The greatest
blessing a father can receive is to have his sons blessed and achieve
greatness. Yaakov then blessed Yosef's sons ' by you shall Israel bless saying
' May God make you like Ephraim and like Menashe '. May people bless their sons in the hope and
wish that their sons grow into great men like Ephraim and Menashe. Ephraim and Menashe
became symbols of commitment to their heritage and spiritual growth despite
living in exile and in a hostile and hedonist
Egyptian culture. They achieved more than their potential by moving up a
generation from being grandchildren of Jacob to becoming his sons are thereby
the founding fathers of their tribes. In their personal lives they showed
brotherly love and no sign of jealously as the older brother – Menashe had no
problem with his younger brother Ephraim getting the blessing of the first born
. We need to ask the following questions -
What was it in Joseph's answer about his sons that made Yaakov suddenly change
his mind about blessing Menashe and Ephraim? Nothing changed the fact that they
are spiritually blemished and that wicked people would come from them. The Torah talks
in general terms - Israel =Jews will bless children and not specifically about fathers
blessing their sons. So why don't Sages and Rabbis bless children with the blessing – May God makes you like
Ephraim and Menashe. Why is this
blessing only for fathers and irrespective of their spiritual stature? When Jacob blesses his grandsons, he says - by you בך in the singular, referring to Joseph, Israel
shall bless… The Torah should read – By
them or by you in the plural referring to Menashe and Ephraim will Israel bless…
What has Yosef- Joseph got to do with this blessing?
Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro explains that it was
Joseph's unconditional acceptance of his sons with all their faults and blemishes and
standing by them that made Yaakov change his mind. Menashe and Ephraim had a father in Yosef
that unconditionally accepted them
and saw his children as a gift of
responsibility from God. This will guarantee that they will turn out fine. The
success of children depends on them being blessed with a father like
Yosef. So the blessing is only suited
for fathers. It is the fathers who pray and bless their sons that they will
have a father like Yosef that will help them grow into men of the stature of
Menashe and Ephraim. Joseph is referred to as the ' stone of Israel - אבן= אב ובן ' having the ability to connect father and
a father Joseph helped to make his children identify and feel part of his vision
and mission of his family to be a ' light unto the nations'. It is a well-
known fact that many children of Rabbis serving country and small town
districts where there is no or very little formal religious Jewish education do
very well when they go to study in schools or yeshivot in bigger cities. Because
they identify and are part of their parent's mission and vision, their study,
religious observance and social commitment reaches high levels of understanding
and performance. When kids share a common mission, there is also no place for
envy or jealousy as they see each other as friend and ally in their holy
One of the basic needs all children have
is to be loved unconditionally, to know that they will be accepted even if they
screw-up or fall short. Most parents
believe that they love their kids unconditionally, but what counts is whether kids
feel just as loved when they mess up or fall short. Saying to a kid “I love you, but not your
behavior” is problematic. The kid wonders: what’s this elusive me you say you
love when all I hear is disapproval and criticism. Instead of criticism, we can
engage, ' working with the child ' in a non-judgmental way to solve problems in
a collaborative way and help them engage in an autonomous way in the moral act
of restitution and do some Teshuvah – repentance.