The weekly Bible-Torah
reading from the book of Deuteronomy- Devarim
is Va'etchanan . Here Moses continues with his last sermon to the
children of Israel and begins a discussion and review of many of God's laws.
He begins with a review of the 10 commandments.
Most of the textual differences
between the 10 commandments received on Mount Sinai in the book of Exodus and
the account here in Deuteronomy are due
to Moses wanting to emphasize and teach certain lessons. The Mesach Hachmah is his commentary notes
that in the second set of the 10 commandments - the words '
as God commanded ' are added to the 4th commandment -
Keeping and honoring the
Sabbath and the 5th
commandment – honoring parents. These words ' as God commanded ' do not appear
in the first set of the 10 commandments.
The Mesach Hachmah
explains that there are good reasons for keeping and thereby honoring the
Sabbath. People work hard all week and the Sabbath is a welcome day of rest ,
an opportunity to desist from physical creativity and focus on connecting with God and spend
time studying his Torah and its laws. In the desert – people did not have to
work , they received ' manna' from heaven and their lives were very spiritual connecting
with God and studying Torah all the time. There was no extrinsic need for a
Sabbath in the desert.
The same was true for
the commandment of ' Honoring Parents. The obligation to honor parents is from
our feelings of gratitude to them for attending to our needs and raising us. In
the desert , parents did not need to work for a living, in a miraculous way
kids clothes grew on them as they aged, and the environment was very spiritual and
providing. There was really very little reason to express gratitude to parents.
Moses is teaching , that
the reason for keeping and honoring the Sabbath , and also honoring parents is
not because of extrinsic reasons such as social benefits or gratitude to
parents but should be done out of our obligation to fulfill God's commandments.
So what does God want
from us here. We learned in the Ethics of our fathers – Pirkei Avot - who is honored ? He , who honors others. '
Who is honored does not depend on something extrinsic – the number of people
who honor a person , but a person having the intrinsic trait or characteristic of being a person who
honors others. So God does not want that we should keep and honor the Sabbath
because of social and spiritual reasons , but we should become the
type of person who gives honor to the Sabbath
by keeping the Sabbath. God does not want us to honor parents because of an
extrinsic reason like gratitude but become the type of person who has the ' midah' –
characteristic of ' honoring parents.'
If we are saying that we
are to honor parents and keep the Sabbath because of its inherent value – the right
thing to do , so why does the Bible-
Torah attach a reward for doing this commandment – Honor your father and your
mother as ' Hashem ' your God has commanded you so that your days will be
lengthened and it will be good for you Upon the land that 'Hashem ' your God
gives to you.
The Torah is telling us
that the good deed- mitvah of honoring parents has its reward in the world to
come and a person will enjoy the ' fruits of his positive actions ' in this
world. This means that God will support him in his efforts to do more positive things
and impact on peoples' lives in this world and in the world to come he will be
in a position to enjoy the spirituality of the next world.
Traditional ' rewards
and punishments ' encourage a child to ask ' what's in it for me and gets in
the way of the child asking – 'what kind of person do I want to be' . The
reward that the Bible talks about is merely , for example -honoring parents – as a consequence of us making efforts to lengthen
their lives and improve the quality of their parents lives ,God offers us support to continue being
the persons we want to be.
thank u for your nice drasha
ReplyDeletelet us honour one another
and make the best of the "other"
kipa sruga as it appeared in the last few days is not AMALK and we should not be thinking of it as an the "big" duds of SHAS go on miss leading their crowd....where is the honour?where is VEAHAVT LEREACH KAMOCA..shabat shalom